Canada, North America, Toronto

Touring the Elgin and Winter Garden Theatre

The Elgin and Winter Garden Theatre is the only double-decker theatre left in the world. The Elgin Theatre is on the first floor, while the smaller Winter Garden Theatre is above it. I have lived a block and a half away from the theatre (located at Yonge and Queen Street) for the last four years and I always told myself that I would take a tour sometime. Today, I took that tour.

The tour lasted nearly an hour and a half and cost $12 ($10 for students). I would say that it is worth visiting, if you’re going to see a show, but I’m not sure I would recommend paying for the tour. (Though all the money goes to restoring the theatre, so it’s not too bad). The theatre was built in 1913 and operated as a theatre, a cinema and a porno flick house in its almost 100 year history. They’ve restored it back to what it originally looked like. Here are some of my pictures:

The lobby entrance off Yonge Street
The Elgin Theatre on the first floor

The Winter Garden Theatre upstairs

Canada, North America, Toronto

A day on Toronto Island

My roommate had a friend visiting from out-of-town yesterday, so we decided to take her to Toronto Island. Neither the visitor nor my roommate had ever been to the island and I had not been since last summer, so it was a lovely visit.

I didn’t include the island on my list of ways to See Toronto like a Torontonian because it costs a bit of money for the ferry, but I definitely think it’s worth it.

To get to the island, you take a ferry from the waterfront, at Queens Quay and Bay Streets. (I actually managed to get lost this morning, even though I’ve been to the island a good half-dozen times, but this is the correct intersection.) The ferries leave every 45 minutes and take 15 minutes to get across the water. Adult fare costs $6.50 and 15-19 year olds cost $4.25, the price includes return.

We managed to catch the 11 a.m. ferry and then went to the Carousel Restaurant for breakfast. Then walked along the water until we found this little church.

From there we walked along the water and jumped over the barrier to go out on the rocks in the middle of the water.

The island is known for its animals. There are swans and ducks swimming in ponds through out the island and there’s also a petting zoo, with peacocks walking around. At the zoo, I had the chance to feed a donkey it was lovely.

When I was younger, my favourite thing about the island, was the amusement park, Centreville. It wasn’t open, but I thought the sign was cheery.

I couldn’t resist grabbing a photo of this bridge. It felt like it was from a fairy tale.

The view of Toronto from the island. It’s funny looking back at the city when you feel you’re in a far away place.

Finally the boat taking us back to Hogtown.